Business Analysis Services

Transforming Processes, Empowering People, Optimising Tools


Objective Evaluation

Wherever you find yourself on your business analysis journey, our dedicated expertise in independent, evidence-based recommendations empowers you to optimise every aspect of your business.
Our core strengths are our expertise in Microsoft Dynamics as well as in meeting the specific needs and challenges of the insurance industry, from policy management to claims processing, CRM, underwriting, analytics, compliance, and beyond.
From insightful diagnostics to actionable strategies, we are your partners in achieving peak performance and sustainable growth.
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Our Services

Our Outcomes

Business Requirements Documents

Detailed description of business needs, objectives, and functional requirements

Functional Specifications

Screen mockups, process diagrams, and data flow diagrams describing how the systems will fulfil business requirements

Customer Journey Mapping

Describing system features and user interactions from an end-user perspective

Process Models

Current state and future state process maps illustrating business workflows

Test Scenarios

Documents outlining the approach to testing the system including specific scenarios

Training Materials

User manuals, guides, or training presentations including FAQs and best practices

Gap Analysis Reports

Assessment of the variance between current state and desired future state

Decision Matrices and Evaluation Criteria

Tools used to evaluate and compare different solution options

Risk Assessments and Mitigation Plans

Identification of potential business risks, their impacts and strategies of mitigation

Simon Russell small image

Hi, I'm Simon Russell
I lead the business analysis practice. I’d be happy to share our business analysis services with you so that you can choose the best solution that meets your specific needs.

You can get in touch with me by calling: 

0800 OSS GRP (0800 677 477)

Get In Touch With Simon