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Partner Profile: Red Hat

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Open Source software has transformed the technology industry over the last two decades and is the engine room of innovation enabling business transformation today.

Red Hat provides industrial strength products and support which allow organisations to modernise by harnessing that innovation in production.

As a Red Hat Advanced Partner with 25 years of experience, OSS Group is here to help you making the shift happen.

Red Hat's Product Set

Red Hat's portfolio is much broader than just Linux. Red Hat provides tools for application modernisation, business process automation, Kubernetes containerisation and technology fleet automation.

  • Application Modernisation and Integration
    - Application Runtimes (Jboss, Quarkus)
    - Apache Kafka / AMQ event streaming
    - Fuse Middleware
    - 3scale API Management
    - Change Data capture
    - Service Registry
    - Data Grid
    - Single Sign-On
    - Process Automation Manager

  • Containerisation
    - OpenShift (Kubernetes for hybrid cloud)

  • Automation and Management
    - Ansible Automation Platform
    - Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes
    - Satellite
    - Smart Management
    - Insights

  • Hybrid Cloud
    - Hyperconverged Infrastructure
    - OpenStack platform
    - Ceph and Gluster (file systems)
    - Quay (container image registry)
    - Enterprise Linux
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Our Red Hat Premier Partner Capabilities

OSS Group was New Zealand's first Red Hat Advanced Partner and recently gained the status of Red Hat Premier Partner, the highest tier in Red Hat's partner ecosystem. 

As such, we have a team of Red Hat certified engineers with experience in Red Hat's portfolio at an enterprise scale.

Our team can assist you with:

  • Application Modernisation
  • Hybrid Infrastructure and Containerisation
  • Automation and Management

Garry Gray, senior director, and head of ecosystem, A/NZ, Red Hat:

“The industry is currently going through really exciting times with emerging technologies which are influencing organisations to rethink the ways in which they operate, optimise and scale their business. Red Hat, along with our partner ecosystem are committed to helping these organisations not only navigate but thrive with the use of these technologies. As a long-standing partner of Red Hat, the OSS Group has a deep understanding of and expertise in Red Hat’s portfolio of products and services; and have demonstrated success in accelerating digital transformation efforts for our joint customers using open source. We are very delighted for the OSS Group to be escalated to a Red Hat premier partner status and looking forward to continuing our successful journey in delivering innovative technology for customers.”

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Simon King, Head of Data and Integration

Simon King

Head of Data & Software

Hi, I'm Simon King

If you want to understand whether Red Hat's solutions would be a good fit for your organisation, you can get in touch with me through the form at right, or phone below:

0800 OSS GRP (0800 677 477)

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